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zine garden 庭 vol.4
published January 2021

Making art is not something for special people. I wanted to open a place where everyone can create something just to enjoy it. This zine is called “garden 庭” as each person can relax, being themselves here, and everyone is in harmony. In this third volume, 18 contributors from all over the world joined me.
This time, the theme is “the Earth”. In 2020, we learned again the Earth is our one planet, and we share it no matter how different we are.
We share the air, water, sky, food, land... all of it.
How has your relationship with the Earth changed?

Won’t you come join us who have gathered from all over this planet?

Japanese and English bilingual, 40 pages, 8.5” x 5.5”, laser print on paper.
$5 + shipping (US:$1.65〜/international: $4.80〜) Check, Paypal, Credit Card.

Please send an inquiry by using the contact format.

なにかをつくりだすことは、 特別な人だけの特権なんかじゃない。 みんなができること。このzineは「garden 庭」といいます。それぞれがじぶんらしくいて、そして調和していられる庭のように。安心してただつくることを楽しめる場所。

2 0 2 0 年 は 、ま た 新 た な 意 識 で 地 球 を 見 直 す 機 会 に な り ま し た 。
わ た し た ち は ど ん な 人 も み ん な 、こ の 惑 星 の 空 気 、水 、空 、食 べ 物 、土 地 、す べ て をシェアしています。
あなたと地 球 の 関 係 はどんなふうに 変 わりましたか?


5ドル 送料別(アメリカ国内1.65ドルより/国外4.80ドルより)


Special Edition!

Do you know Risograph? It's a printing method with soy based ink. Even though it's originally from Japan, it had developed overseas for years among artists. It's not really good for accurate photocopying, (it smudges, the ink never dry, etc) but it has an interesting texture. 

For vol.4, I could print small amount in Riso. It's one color: blue! 

Please let me know if you're interested in!

$10 + shipping (US:$1.65〜/international: $4.80〜) Check, Paypal, Credit Card.

Special Thanks to Irrelevant Press






10ドル 送料別(アメリカ国内1.65ドルより/国外4.80ドルより)

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