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Signs 22

(Cover art for Hodges)



A cover art for Japanese rock band Hodges.

This artwork is for a new track "Signs 22" (released September, 2024) which I also translated the lyrics into English.

I had "met" them online over protesting movement in Japan against inhuman conditions at the immigration detention center.

Hodges had taught me the importance of keep making your voice heard, however small. 
I draw protesters walking, by themselves, or with friends to demonstrate issues important for them.

Joining the protest is still not encouraged nor appreciated in Japanese society, but I believe it is fundamental rights of people who lives in that society.

You can listen to this song on many platforms.

ロックバンドHodges さんの新曲『Signs 22』のカバーアートと英語訳を担当しました。(2024年9月配信)






『Signs 22』はこちらから試聴できます。

Special Thanks to my husband, and a great artist and poet, Daniel John Weiner
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