Setting Free in The February Field
(Cover art for Hodges)
A cover art for Japanese rock band Hodges.
This artwork is for a new track "二月の野に放つ (Setting Free in The February Field/released February, 2023)" which I also translated the lyrics into English.
I had "met" them online over protesting movement in Japan against inhuman conditions at the immigration detention center.
At the protest, Hodges used a blue bucket as symbol of a Sri Lankan woman who was medically neglected and suffered and died, only was provided blue bucket to throw up into.
I was inspired their resilience and tried to capture in this simple drawing of their hands and drum sticks.
You can listen to this song on many platforms.
ロックバンドHodges さんの新曲『二月の野に放つ』のカバーアートと英語訳を担当しました。(2023年2月配信)
デモで青いバケツをたたくHodges さんの様子、楽曲作成やいろんな活動をされている姿勢やその静かで強い意思を、すこしでもその手に込められればと思いこの作品をつくりました。